Bryan Rotarian of the Year

Purpose of Award: To recognize annually a member of Bryan Rotary for “Service Above Self.”
Selection Criteria:

1. Bryan Rotary member for one year or more.
2. Member in good standing (paid dues & 60+ percent attendance).
3. Active Club Member, such as:
• chaired a club project(s);
• participated in multiple club events;
• sponsored one or more new members.
4. Made a contribution to the Rotary Foundation toward a Paul Harris Fellow or became a PHF.
5. Other significant service to our Rotary Club or within our local community.

John Blackburn 2013-2014
Walter Hinkle 2012-2013
Shelley Nelson 2011-2012
Ron Hammond 2010-2011
John Delaney 2009-2010
Garland Bayliss 2008-2009
Jennifer "Bunny" Pratt 2007-2008
Derek Dictson 2006-2007